Friday, October 31, 2008

ORA-02024: database link not found

If you are trying to drop a database link after changing the global_name of the database , you usually end up with ora-02024: database link not found


But when you query user_db_links  view you found DB link exists .



Possible root cause would be


Initially when we create a database without domain in the global name, a null value will be used from domain as opposed to .world in Oracle releases 9i and before.

Later on when the global_name is altered to contain the domain part that is “world”,   this domain remains even when the global_name is altered back a name without domain name.



In order to drop the desired database link 


I would recommend to try this solution in Development DB then in Test  

And with a cold backup in production. 



1)Conn sys as sysdba



2) find out current global_name value using below sql


SQL> select * from global_name;



Find out the value  of  GLOBAL_NAME FROM props$ TABLE


Select name, value$ from  props$ where name = 'GLOBAL_DB_NAME';



















Step 3) Update global name value to desired name with our domain name


Syntax :

update props$ set value$ = '' where name ='GLOBAL_DB_NAME';



Example :


update props$ set value$='THESIMPLEORACLE’  where name like 'GLOBAL_DB_NAME';





3)Then connect as the schema user that owns the DBLINK and try to drop it.

4) Once the database link is dropped, the global_name can be changed back to the
desired name containing domain part using the alter database rename global_name statement